bits 64 default rel ; System defines: SYS_write equ 0x02000004 SYS_read equ 0x02000003 SYS_exit equ 0x02000001 SYS_ioctl equ 0x02000000 + 54 STDIN_FILENO equ 0 STDOUT_FILENO equ 1 TIOCGETP equ 0x40067408 TIOCSETP equ 0x80067409 CBREAK equ 0x00000002 ; half-cooked mode ECHO equ 0x00000008 ; echo input struc sgttyb .sg_ispeed: resb 1 .sg_ospeed: resb 1 .sg_erase: resb 1 .sg_kill: resb 1 .sg_flags: resw 1 endstruc ; Program defines: width equ 80 pitch equ width + 1 %macro full_line 0 times width db "X" db 0x0a %endmacro %macro hollow_line 0 db "X" times width-2 db " " db "X" db 0x0a %endmacro section .data board: full_line %rep 25 hollow_line %endrep full_line board_size equ $-board section .bss ; The multiplication by two is there to work around a bug in nasm: state resb sgttyb_size * 2 input_char resb 1 section .text global main main: mov rax, SYS_ioctl mov rdi, STDIN_FILENO mov rsi, TIOCGETP mov rdx, state syscall mov ax, [state + sgttyb.sg_flags] and ax, ~ECHO or ax, CBREAK mov [state + sgttyb.sg_flags], ax mov rax, SYS_ioctl mov rdi, STDIN_FILENO mov rsi, TIOCSETP mov rdx, state syscall ; Start out at the center of the board (40, 13): mov r8, board + 40 + 13*pitch .main_loop: cmp byte [r8], ' ' jne .exit mov byte [r8], 'O' ; Write head into board mov rax, SYS_write mov rdi, STDOUT_FILENO ; filedes mov rsi, board ; buf mov rdx, board_size ; nbyte syscall .read_more: mov rax, SYS_read mov rdi, STDIN_FILENO ; filedes mov rsi, input_char ; buf mov rdx, 1 ; nbyte syscall ; Assume exactly one byte was read mov al, [input_char] cmp al, 'w' jne .not_up sub r8, pitch jmp .done .not_up: cmp al, 's' jne .not_down add r8, pitch jmp .done .not_down: cmp al, 'a' jne .not_left dec r8 jmp .done .not_left: cmp al, 'd' jne .not_right inc r8 jmp .done .not_right: cmp al, 'q' je .exit jmp .read_more .done: jmp .main_loop .exit: mov rax, SYS_exit mov rdi, 0 ; Exit status syscall